How to Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk


You can reverse your self-talk and harness the power of positive self-talk. Two neuroscience-based strategies can help you become more positive and confidence, while leading to higher levels of performance and happiness.

The #1 Strategy to Reach Ultra High Performance


There is one science-based method that will get you into a state of high performance and into “the zone.” It’s called flow. More than 4 decades of research has revealed a process that can help you gain greater focus and achieve at a higher level more often.

7 Ways to Bring Contagious Positive Energy to Your Team

7 Ways to Bring Energy IMG

You bring energy to every interaction you have with others. This energy has a significant impact and can be either negative or positive. If you hold a leadership position the impact of your energy is a powerful force that can affect the attitude, mindset, outlook, and confidence level of each member of your team. 

How to Avoid Virtual Employee Disengagement

Thumbnail How to Avoid Virtual Engagemebt

Leaders who are serious about overcoming the major causes of virtual employee disengagement – Disconnection, Distraction, and Deactivation can practice the 3 C’s of Virtual Employee Engagement. Leaders must lead in a different way when leading virtual employees. They must bring the best of themselves in three core practices of Connecting People, Coaching Performance, and … Read more

The Two Problems with the Strengths-Based Approach

Character Strengths

Strengths-based leadership has been a popular topic for nearly two decades. I’ve had the opportunity to teach the concept and administer several strengths oriented assessments. While the strengths approach has great merit, there are a couple of problems that exist.   First, we have to make sure we don’t over-rotate toward developing our strengths and ignore … Read more

Coaching Techniques That Motivate

A coaching leader uses many different tools and techniques to help people move toward achieving their goals. I have already shared the 5 techniques I use most often but there are many more. Here are 5 more coaching techniques you can use to coach people toward success. Risk Analysis: When a person is having trouble … Read more

Become a Coaching Leader

Coaching is no longer a word reserved for sports. The service and skill of coaching has flourished over the past decade as a proven process for helping a person gain self-awareness, overcome challenges, and accelerate achievement of goals. Since completing my certification to be an executive coach, I have coached more than 100 leaders across a dozen … Read more