Unlocking Influence: 3 Neuroscience-Based Strategies for Trust and Persuasion

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Discover how neuroscience can enhance your influence and persuasiveness with three key principles: Safety, Clarity, and Value. This article explores brain-based strategies to build trust, communicate effectively, and align with others’ motivations, helping you become more influential and trusted in both personal and professional settings. Unlock the power of the brain to achieve your goals and inspire action in others.

How to Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk


You can reverse your self-talk and harness the power of positive self-talk. Two neuroscience-based strategies can help you become more positive and confidence, while leading to higher levels of performance and happiness.

3 Neuroscience Principles You Need to Know To Be Your Best

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Neuroscience is a complex field, but there are three principles that can help you apply key strategies to be your best in your work and your personal life.

7 Ways to Bring Contagious Positive Energy to Your Team

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You bring energy to every interaction you have with others. This energy has a significant impact and can be either negative or positive. If you hold a leadership position the impact of your energy is a powerful force that can affect the attitude, mindset, outlook, and confidence level of each member of your team. 

The Secret Sauce of Motivation

Great stories and motivational speeches give us a nice feeling. But they are temporary and fail to keep us motivated to work harder and give our best over an extended period of time. The secret sauce of motivation boils down to the alignment between a person’s sense of purpose—including what they value and deem meaningful—and … Read more