The #1 Strategy to Reach Ultra High Performance

There is one science-based method that will get you into a state of high performance and into “the zone.” It’s called flow. More than 4 decades of research has revealed a process that can help you gain greater focus and achieve at a higher level more often.

The 7 Deadly Demotivators

A person’s quality of motivation is greatly influenced by his/her current emotional state. This doesn’t discount the cognitive processing that is required for goal-directed action. In fact, this cognitive processing is what often produces a perception that creates a highly emotional response that either hinders or supports action. I have observed 7 emotional responses that produce amotivation — the term … Read more

10 Clechés that Kill Motivation

Forgive me for being a little negative in this post. Just for fun, I want to list some of my cliche  and buzz-phrase pet peeves. Some of these are just warn out while others simply sound unprofessional. Managers who use these can expect to kill motivation. Use them at your own risk. 10. Rightsizing – … Read more

5 Ways to Build a Great Team

Great teams don’t just happen. They are built.  Over the past 15 years, I’ve had the opportunity to serve on teams, lead teams, and facilitate dozens of team building meetings. I’ve observed and studied what helps teams grow together and increase cohesion and trust. Below, I discuss 5 ways managers can move a team toward … Read more

What Really Motivates

While some are still stuck in old paradigms of motivation, many have moved beyond this command, control, and threats style to an over-reliance on the behavioral model of rewards. Scientific studies continue to support a more sophisticated perspective that relies on the leader creating environments of autonomy, competence (mastery), and relatedness (purpose). This video provides … Read more

My Top 5 Leadership Development Apps

Like most of you I would love to have more time to learn and grow both personally and professionally. I’ve found that with the invention of apps on mobile devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc.), I can use small windows of time to learn and grow. In the past when we stood in line at the … Read more

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How You Can Achieve Yours

Sorry to be a downer but only about 40% of people follow through well enough to keep their new year’s resolutions according to Psychology professor John Norcross at Scranton University. We don’t need a research study to know that most people fail when trying to make change by utilizing resolutions. Having coached more than a … Read more