The Dark Side of Goals

Goals are great and they are certainly a scientifically proven method for achieving the outcomes we have in mind.  But while goals help us focus on our desired achievements, they can easily become the very thing that keeps us from being truly successful in life. Don’t see me as a pessimist — I’m far from … Read more

Lessons from Zig Ziglar

 “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”  – Zig Ziglar A legend passed away Wednesday in Dallas, Texas. Zig Ziglar, a widely popular motivational speaker, died at the age of 86. While many were teaching and speaking on subjects like sales, management, and … Read more

The Top 5 Assessments for Building Your Team

Assessments can be a great way to teach team members about the commonalities and differences among their peers. When we work with others, it becomes quickly evident that we all have preferences and styles for how we work, think, communicate, and handle conflict. There are 5 great assessments that I recommend to help individuals and … Read more

10 Clechés that Kill Motivation

Forgive me for being a little negative in this post. Just for fun, I want to list some of my cliche  and buzz-phrase pet peeves. Some of these are just warn out while others simply sound unprofessional. Managers who use these can expect to kill motivation. Use them at your own risk. 10. Rightsizing – … Read more

5 Ways to Build a Great Team

Great teams don’t just happen. They are built.  Over the past 15 years, I’ve had the opportunity to serve on teams, lead teams, and facilitate dozens of team building meetings. I’ve observed and studied what helps teams grow together and increase cohesion and trust. Below, I discuss 5 ways managers can move a team toward … Read more

5 Ways To Be A Career RockStar

Getting the job you’ve dreamed of or progressing in your career greatly depends on how you differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd. Here are 5 ways you can become a Career Rock Star. 1. Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses. This is a foundation of your career. Clarity around your personal and professional strengths … Read more

Why Your Personal Energy Is So Important

It’s evident that more people and organizations (both for-profit and non-profit) are becoming increasing interested in how to maximize energy. The reasoning is simple, the more energy a person has the more she or he will be able to fully engage in whatever activity is at hand. In our energy draining world, where many of … Read more

My Top 5 Leadership Development Apps

Like most of you I would love to have more time to learn and grow both personally and professionally. I’ve found that with the invention of apps on mobile devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc.), I can use small windows of time to learn and grow. In the past when we stood in line at the … Read more

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How You Can Achieve Yours

Sorry to be a downer but only about 40% of people follow through well enough to keep their new year’s resolutions according to Psychology professor John Norcross at Scranton University. We don’t need a research study to know that most people fail when trying to make change by utilizing resolutions. Having coached more than a … Read more