How to Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk

You can reverse your self-talk and harness the power of positive self-talk. Two neuroscience-based strategies can help you become more positive and confidence, while leading to higher levels of performance and happiness.

The #1 Strategy to Reach Ultra High Performance

There is one science-based method that will get you into a state of high performance and into “the zone.” It’s called flow. More than 4 decades of research has revealed a process that can help you gain greater focus and achieve at a higher level more often.

How to Beat Negativity and Become a More Powerful Thinker

ou brain is wired to be negative. It’s designed to be a threat detector. Negativity just happens to be our most useful cognitive tool for survival. If it’s not managed well, can be a major contributor to relationship problems, depression, and lower levels of achievement and performance than we desire. This happens when our brain resorts to COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS to process experiences and choose how to behave. These distortions end up being major derailers for us.

7 Ways to Bring Contagious Positive Energy to Your Team

7 Ways to Bring Energy IMG

You bring energy to every interaction you have with others. This energy has a significant impact and can be either negative or positive. If you hold a leadership position the impact of your energy is a powerful force that can affect the attitude, mindset, outlook, and confidence level of each member of your team. 

Leadership Character Drives Employee Engagement and Effort

I recently completed a research study investigating the impact of leadership character. I’m always curious about what leads to people being motivated and engaged at work. There are certainly many reasons why a person chooses to be more effortful, but one of those reasons doesn’t have a lot of research backing it. So about two … Read more

3 Principles for Praising Employees

Praising employees often and effectively is a key skill for any coaching leader who seeks to accelerates employee confidence, ability, and loyalty. We’ve all been in situations where we’ve felt unrecognized, disregarded, or taken for granted. When we find ourselves in this kind of environment, whether at work or in our personal lives, our motivation … Read more

The Art of Challenging Employees

Think about a time when you were challenged by someone to do more or to get better. I would imagine your experience was a lot like mine. Very uncomfortable, yet the experience created awareness that your current level of focus, energy, or behavior was lacking and someone (a teacher, coach, supervisor, parent, spouse, or friend) saw that … Read more

How to Ask Great Questions

As a coaching leader, the skill of questioning will be one of your most powerful tools. When you listen deeply you are naturally led to ask questions that help people clarify their goals and discover their direction. Of the 5 key coaching skills, questioning may be the most difficult to master. I’ve met very few … Read more