How to Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk

You can reverse your self-talk and harness the power of positive self-talk. Two neuroscience-based strategies can help you become more positive and confidence, while leading to higher levels of performance and happiness.

The 7 Deadly Demotivators

A person’s quality of motivation is greatly influenced by his/her current emotional state. This doesn’t discount the cognitive processing that is required for goal-directed action. In fact, this cognitive processing is what often produces a perception that creates a highly emotional response that either hinders or supports action. I have observed 7 emotional responses that produce amotivation — the term … Read more

5 Ways To Be A Career RockStar

Getting the job you’ve dreamed of or progressing in your career greatly depends on how you differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd. Here are 5 ways you can become a Career Rock Star. 1. Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses. This is a foundation of your career. Clarity around your personal and professional strengths … Read more

What Really Motivates

While some are still stuck in old paradigms of motivation, many have moved beyond this command, control, and threats style to an over-reliance on the behavioral model of rewards. Scientific studies continue to support a more sophisticated perspective that relies on the leader creating environments of autonomy, competence (mastery), and relatedness (purpose). This video provides … Read more

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How You Can Achieve Yours

Sorry to be a downer but only about 40% of people follow through well enough to keep their new year’s resolutions according to Psychology professor John Norcross at Scranton University. We don’t need a research study to know that most people fail when trying to make change by utilizing resolutions. Having coached more than a … Read more

My Top 5 Productivity Apps

We could all use a little more time and a little more organization. That’s why I use a handful of apps to increase my productivity. Below you will find a list of my favorite apps and how I use them. Evernote: This is my favorite app and is what I call my second brain. It … Read more

Motivation Basics

This is a video on my YouTube channel giving an overview of the basics of motivation. I share three popular motivation theories that provides a foundation of understanding self-motivation and how you can motivate others. I review Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Cognitive Evaluation Theory, X Y theory, and Edward Deci’s Self-Determination Theory. I will … Read more