Building Psychological Safety at Work

Have you ever wondered why some teams thrive while others struggle, even when they have similar resources and talent? The reason often lies in something you can’t see or touch — Psychological Safety. Imagine working in an environment where you feel completely safe to speak your mind, share bold ideas, or admit mistakes without fear … Read more

How to Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk

You can reverse your self-talk and harness the power of positive self-talk. Two neuroscience-based strategies can help you become more positive and confidence, while leading to higher levels of performance and happiness.

How to Avoid Virtual Employee Disengagement

Leaders who are serious about overcoming the major causes of virtual employee disengagement – Disconnection, Distraction, and Deactivation can practice the 3 C’s of Virtual Employee Engagement. Leaders must lead in a different way when leading virtual employees. They must bring the best of themselves in three core practices of Connecting People, Coaching Performance, and … Read more

Dark Psychology & Manipulation: Are You Unknowingly Using Them?

Dark Psychology is the art and science of manipulation and mind control. While Psychology is the study of human behavior and is central to our thoughts, actions, and interactions, the term Dark Psychology is the phenomenon by which people use tactics of motivation, persuasion, manipulation, and coercion to get what they want. While working on my doctorate … Read more

The 2 Most Important Ways to Connect and Influence

Do you want to influence and persuade more effectively? If so, you will have to learn how to connect with people in a way that builds trust and this often requires that you make this trust connection quickly!  Many of our daily interactions are quick and involve little conversation and exchange of words. A brief, “How’s … Read more