Leadership Character Drives Employee Engagement and Effort

I recently completed a research study investigating the impact of leadership character. I’m always curious about what leads to people being motivated and engaged at work. There are certainly many reasons why a person chooses to be more effortful, but one of those reasons doesn’t have a lot of research backing it. So about two … Read more

From Influencer to Activator

  It has been quite popular to talk about leadership as influence. While I certainly agree that a leader influences people, the function of leadership is broader, and dare I say “stronger”, than influence.   Influence is defined by Webster’s dictionary as the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways. … Read more

Activate Natural Motivation By Seeing People’s Uniqueness

As humans, our tendency is to boil concepts down to their most basic elements. In doing so, we extract the uniqueness in pursuit of simplicity. We often do this by using generalizations. These generalizations, while having some utility, rob us of seeing the uniqueness of individual difference. Understanding and embracing uniqueness has been forgotten in … Read more

How to Master the Skill of Persuasion

Imagine if you had a superpower that allowed you to change people’s minds, help people to see your way, trust you more, follow your lead, and get people on your side during any discussion. I’m sure people would pay a lot of money to gain that power. Although it’s not a true superpower, it is … Read more

Dark Psychology & Manipulation: Are You Unknowingly Using Them?

Dark Psychology is the art and science of manipulation and mind control. While Psychology is the study of human behavior and is central to our thoughts, actions, and interactions, the term Dark Psychology is the phenomenon by which people use tactics of motivation, persuasion, manipulation, and coercion to get what they want. While working on my doctorate … Read more

The 2 Most Important Ways to Connect and Influence

Do you want to influence and persuade more effectively? If so, you will have to learn how to connect with people in a way that builds trust and this often requires that you make this trust connection quickly!  Many of our daily interactions are quick and involve little conversation and exchange of words. A brief, “How’s … Read more

The Two Problems with the Strengths-Based Approach

Character Strengths

Strengths-based leadership has been a popular topic for nearly two decades. I’ve had the opportunity to teach the concept and administer several strengths oriented assessments. While the strengths approach has great merit, there are a couple of problems that exist.   First, we have to make sure we don’t over-rotate toward developing our strengths and ignore … Read more