My Top 5 Leadership Development Apps

Like most of you I would love to have more time to learn and grow both personally and professionally. I’ve found that with the invention of apps on mobile devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc.), I can use small windows of time to learn and grow. In the past when we stood in line at the coffee shop or waited in the doctor’s office we didn’t have much to do. Those days are over and although I believe there is value in quiet down-time, we now have many opportunities to learn in the “wait-spaces” in our lives.

Over the past few months I have been investigating and using apps related to leadership development. While there are many available, I’m sharing my top 5. Each of these apps can be easily utilized in short snippets of time.

1. MIT Sloan Management Review– This app delivers the Sloan Management Review to your mobile device so you can read it on the go. The SMR is on par with Harvard Business Review and is a great place to learn about new leadership, management, and business ideas. By the way, the pictures, graphics and navigation are great on this app. It is a real pleasure to read on my iPad.

2. GiANT Impact– GiANT Impact has created an app that allows you to view articles, videos, and listen to audio recordings of respected leaders. This app is nicely organized and it’s hard to believe you get this much information for free. This is the next best thing to being mentored by the giants of leadership?

3. Harvard Business Review Tips– This is a simple app that provides a daily management tip from the folks at HBR. Next time you have a short wait of 30-60 seconds,  just pop this app open and you’ll get your daily leadership lesson.

4. Leadership and Values-Developed by Concordia University, this app takes you through a process of clarifying your values. Although you will not use this app over and over, I had to put this on my favorites list. This app allows you to sort through 52 value cards and sort them into stacks labeled with “Definite Core Values”, “Maybe Core Values”, and “Not Core Values”. The process leads you to define your top 5 core values. Then it provides information about how you can develop yourself with the values as your core.

5. Motivation Quotes– I have to throw a quotes app in here. I’m one who is inspired and motivated by good thoughts and quotes. This app allows you to sort through categories of topics to easily find a quote you might want to use for a speech or presentation. It’s not fancy, but has some great quotes.

I’m writing this in January of 2012 so more and perhaps better apps will come along over time. If you have an app you would recommend to me and other readers please share.