5 Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Fitness

Imagine for a second what you could do if you could boost your brain power by 20%. Imagine what 20% more energy, 20% greater cognitive ability, and 20% higher emotional control would do for you. If you were able to boost your brain power by 1/5 of your current capacity, it would have an immense … Read more

Leadership Character Drives Employee Engagement and Effort

I recently completed a research study investigating the impact of leadership character. I’m always curious about what leads to people being motivated and engaged at work. There are certainly many reasons why a person chooses to be more effortful, but one of those reasons doesn’t have a lot of research backing it. So about two … Read more

Power Words: Using Words to Move People

One of the most powerful environmental influencers is a leader or authority’s language. I call the empowering words a leader uses, Power Words.  A parent, teacher, pastor, supervisor, manager, or leader’s words can have a major impact on the people they lead. Numerous research studies have investigated the impact words have on people’s behavior. These studies … Read more

Be a Gainer, Not a Loser

Many people are thinking about losing weight this time of year. It’s by far the most popular new year’s resolutions.   My good friend Tim Nations recently blogged about his mindset shift related to his goal of losing weight every year.  His new plan, in 2014, is to focus on gaining, rather than losing. No, … Read more