How to Lead Motivating Meetings

How many boring meetings have you endured? Dozens, hundreds, dare I say…thousands. It’s unfortunate that meetings have received such a bad rap. Meetings can be informative, inspiring, and motivating, yet so many managers have created them to be tedious and wearisome. Face-to-face meetings are challenging enough as it is, and now with a more dispersed … Read more

The Power of Imperfection

  Perfection is a damaging myth. The more you pursue it the further you are from it. A common fallacy is that we often believe people expect us to be perfect. The truth is, we all know that nobody can be perfect. In fact, people don’t want to be around perfection pursuing people. It’s a … Read more

Why Employee Engagement Initiatives Fail

Billions of dollars have been spent over the past two decades as companies seek to increase employee engagement. The measure of employee engagement became popular in the 1990’s as an onslaught of research showed the link between the measure of employee engagement, an increase in employee performance output, and overall organizational performance.   Adding to … Read more

The Dark Side of Goals

Goals are great and they are certainly a scientifically proven method for achieving the outcomes we have in mind.  But while goals help us focus on our desired achievements, they can easily become the very thing that keeps us from being truly successful in life. Don’t see me as a pessimist — I’m far from … Read more

The 16 Drivers of Meaning & Motivation

The study of human behavior and motivation is fascinating. For centuries people have sought to better understand what drives us. Many have attempted to create a taxonomy of motivation drivers, desires, values, or motives that are basic to every human. Up until recently, attempts to do so have been educated guesses and theory. The research … Read more

Q&A on Employee Motivation

I was recently interviewed by Ryan Estis, noted performance and leadership expert, for a post on his blog. Ryan has consulted with some of the top companies in the world and recently keynoted for the Society of Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) national conference. Here is a portion of the interview. Ryan: What is motivation? Jason: … Read more

Coaching Techniques That Motivate

A coaching leader uses many different tools and techniques to help people move toward achieving their goals. I have already shared the 5 techniques I use most often but there are many more. Here are 5 more coaching techniques you can use to coach people toward success. Risk Analysis: When a person is having trouble … Read more

3 Principles for Praising Employees

Praising employees often and effectively is a key skill for any coaching leader who seeks to accelerates employee confidence, ability, and loyalty. We’ve all been in situations where we’ve felt unrecognized, disregarded, or taken for granted. When we find ourselves in this kind of environment, whether at work or in our personal lives, our motivation … Read more

The Art of Challenging Employees

Think about a time when you were challenged by someone to do more or to get better. I would imagine your experience was a lot like mine. Very uncomfortable, yet the experience created awareness that your current level of focus, energy, or behavior was lacking and someone (a teacher, coach, supervisor, parent, spouse, or friend) saw that … Read more