The 5 Habits of Maximum Motivation eBook


This is the reason I wrote my latest ebook, The 5 Habits of Maximum Motivation. If you’ve kept up with my blog you know I focus on the science of motivation both in life and work. Because of this, I get many questions related to personal motivation or how to motivate employees. The most popular question I get is about how a person can sustain healthy motivation over the long-haul. The question proposed is usually something like, “How can I get motivated and not lose it?”

In my new ebook, I share the 5 habits that you can create in your life that will support high, positive, and sustainable motivation. Most people have one or two of these habits in their lives already. What I share in this ebook will show you what you may be missing and challenge you to make all 5 habits a part of your daily life.

I feel so strongly about the message that I am giving it way for FREE!!

If you would like to a free copy of this ebook, all I ask is that you subscribe to receive my blog posts via email.  Just enter your name and email below and you will get access. If you are already a subscriber, just enter your name and email below and you will go directly to the download page.

I hope this ebook helps you along your journey to be your very best in work and life.

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