How to Avoid Virtual Employee Disengagement

Leaders who are serious about overcoming the major causes of virtual employee disengagement – Disconnection, Distraction, and Deactivation can practice the 3 C’s of Virtual Employee Engagement. Leaders must lead in a different way when leading virtual employees. They must bring the best of themselves in three core practices of Connecting People, Coaching Performance, and … Read more

3 Reasons Why Virtual Employees Become Disengaged

The ongoing Covid-19 crisis has altered our way of life in many ways. Nowhere is this more true than in how we accomplish our work. For better or worse, virtual work is how we must get business done. And while many believe remote work has a great chance to increase employee engagement, there are 3 … Read more

5 Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Fitness

Imagine for a second what you could do if you could boost your brain power by 20%. Imagine what 20% more energy, 20% greater cognitive ability, and 20% higher emotional control would do for you. If you were able to boost your brain power by 1/5 of your current capacity, it would have an immense … Read more

Leadership Character Drives Employee Engagement and Effort

I recently completed a research study investigating the impact of leadership character. I’m always curious about what leads to people being motivated and engaged at work. There are certainly many reasons why a person chooses to be more effortful, but one of those reasons doesn’t have a lot of research backing it. So about two … Read more

From Influencer to Activator

  It has been quite popular to talk about leadership as influence. While I certainly agree that a leader influences people, the function of leadership is broader, and dare I say “stronger”, than influence.   Influence is defined by Webster’s dictionary as the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways. … Read more

Activate Natural Motivation By Seeing People’s Uniqueness

As humans, our tendency is to boil concepts down to their most basic elements. In doing so, we extract the uniqueness in pursuit of simplicity. We often do this by using generalizations. These generalizations, while having some utility, rob us of seeing the uniqueness of individual difference. Understanding and embracing uniqueness has been forgotten in … Read more

How to Master the Skill of Persuasion

Imagine if you had a superpower that allowed you to change people’s minds, help people to see your way, trust you more, follow your lead, and get people on your side during any discussion. I’m sure people would pay a lot of money to gain that power. Although it’s not a true superpower, it is … Read more