Perfection is a damaging myth. The more you pursue it the further you are from it.
A common fallacy is that we often believe people expect us to be perfect. The truth is, we all know that nobody can be perfect. In fact, people don’t want to be around perfection pursuing people. It’s a turn off. There’s something uncomfortable about it.
The pursuit of perfection comes with a host of issues.
Perfection pursuit is perceived by others as disingenuous, unnatural, or as over-trying.
Perfection pursuit causes risk aversion.
Perfection pursuit causes others to feel they need to be perfect.
Perfection pursuit increases stress in the environment.
Perfection pursuit leads to obsession.
Perfection pursuit can blind you to new perspectives and alternatives to solving problems.
Perfection pursuit hinders growth and development.
We all like people who are real, genuine, and down-to-earth. We identify with people who are like us. Who struggle. Who make mistakes. Who are flawed. Who are less than perfect.
Seeking imperfection, in contrast to perfection pursuit, encourages many positive outcomes.
Imperfection makes you real.
Imperfection makes you more relaxed.
Imperfection helps you be yourself.
Imperfection helps people relate to you.
Imperfection helps others feel better about themselves.
Imperfection encourages creativity and better thinking.
Imperfection gives people hope that they can also be successful.
If you haven’t reminded yourself lately… Perfection isn’t achievable.
Imperfection on the other hand, can be a strategy to effectively influence others.
Imperfection is achievable and even admirable.
“To banish imperfection is to destroy expression, to check exertion, to paralyze vitality.”
― John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
“We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery.”
― Dejan Stojanov