The 5 Inhibitors of Motivation

Reality shows have captured the minds and hearts of TV watchers for many years now. We are all intrigued by getting an inside view of what people think during difficult experiences and how people respond, both good and bad, to the adversities of the game.


Every person on the show has motivation to achieve or win. What’s interesting to me is how people react when the novelty of their situation wears off. When each realizes that the odds aren’t in his or her favor. When REAL reality hits and they realize their reputation is at stake and millions of people are watching their every move.


When this happens you can see people give up hope. They want to quit. Motivation dies.


Motivation science has provided a better understanding of human behavior and interaction. It has given us a much clearer picture of the activators of energy and drive in any situation.


But what about the deactivators? What about the things that get in the way of our motivation and energy? Our thoughts and behaviors can help cultivate our motivation but can also do just the opposite. Certain behaviors can actually stand in the way of your ability to generate daily motivation.

You don’t just find these inhibitors on reality shows. We can easily find them in our homes, work, and yes even in ourselves if we are not careful.


Here are 5 inhibitors of daily motivation I observe most often.


Poor Health – Being in poor health is a show-stopper. Good health generates better energy and poor health hinders energy. A foundation of motivation is your physical energy. Without physical health your energy is not optimal and your body inhibits your best thinking and activity. The first thing to consider when working to increase your personal motivation is to focus on getting healthy through balanced eating, exercise, and rest.


Sabotaging Self-Talk – Your inner voice is your number one coach. The more negative your self-talk, the more your self-motivation will be hindered.  The great news, is that your inner voice can be trained. Pick up the book What to Say When you Talk To Yourself to learn more about how to better your self-talk.


Lack of Vision – People who have created a picture of who they want to be and what they want to achieve have a much higher level of daily motivation. Without vision it’s tough to get energized about your current work and activities. If you haven’t done so already, create your own personal vision statement and plan to review it at least once a month.


Unclear Goals – Most people have goals, but very few have clear goals. While marginally motivated people have goals that are in their head, highly motivated people have SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) goals that are written and reflected upon at least weekly.


Absence of Support – Resist the temptation to go at your goals alone. Having people around you that understand your goals, have the same kind of goals, and are committed to helping you reach your goals is critical to your motivation. These people keep you encouraged,  share ideas to energize your thoughts, and provide accountability for the long-haul when you feel like giving up. Refuse to go at it alone. Find the joy in sharing your journey with people who are on the same road.

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