Why do people do what they do?
People behave in ways that are consistent with their unique values and motives. Since people have different values and motives, it's often hard for us to understand why people think, believe, and act in certain ways. But there is a way that you can better understand your motives and those of others. When you have this understanding you can structure your work and manage your relationships in a way that allows you to enjoy your work, lead better, and appreciate the differences among people.
The Reiss Motivation Profile®(RMP) is a scientifically validated psychological assessment that helps you understand your needs, interests, intrinsic motivations, values, and life goals. The Business Version of the RMP is used for leadership development, work compatibility, team-building, interpersonal conflict, and personal growth.
The RMP is unlike any motivation or personality profile on the market as it provides you with a comprehensive, science-based, and statistically valid profile of your intrinsic motivators, deepest values that drive your life satisfaction and define the key traits of your personality. Unlike other personality assessments, the RMP does not force you into a psychological stereotype. Your Reiss Motivation Profile® reflects a direct match of the intensity and priority of your needs and values that drive your motivation and energy. Your profile gets to the heart of the matter and identifies your values and needs and the amount of each to feel satisfied in work and life.
Dr. Jason Jones is a Reiss Motivation Profile® Master, who uses the RMP as a valuable tool for executive coaching, team-building, collaboration initiatives, and training programs.

How the Reiss Motivation Profile Will Help You..
- Gain a better understanding of what motivates you.
- Understand your unique and deeply held values along with what is most meaningful to you.
- Better explain your values, needs, and personality to others.
- Discover why others have differing needs, values, and perspectives.
- Become a better communicator and influencer.
- Facilitate collaboration and teamwork.
- Avoid putting people into personality boxes and using damaging stereotypes at work.
- Become a better leader by knowing how to align people's values and motives with their work.
- Increase your ability to avoid and resolve conflict.
- Coach people to better understand themselves and others.
- Avoid mislabeling people who are different from you and see their value.
AGES: The RMP can be used with adults 18 years of age and older.
LENGTH: This is a 128-item self-report online questionnaire, which typically takes 20-25 minutes to complete.
ADMINISTRATION: You can complete the questionnaire online from any computer that is connected to the Internet. Your personalized Reiss Motivation Profile® report will be emailed to you as a .PDF file.
RESULTS: Your report will help you to discover what your individual needs/values and/or desires mean for your job performance, leadership, team/company loyalty, competitive spirit, risk-taking, and numerous other business-relevant behaviors.
PROFILE DEBRIEF: Your profile must be delivered to you and debriefed by a qualified RMP consultant or Certified Master. Your assessment includes a 1-hour individual, confidential, teleconsultation with Dr. Jones who is a Certifed Master -- the highest level of certification available for this assessment.
PRICE: $290 each (USA and Canada Residents only.)